Rise | Kemmasandi


At the end of the Golden Age, the data archivist Orion Pax is not alone in harbouring doubt in Cybertron’s future. Inspired by the revolutionary fervour of the gladiator, Megatronus, Orion seeks him out; and thus begins a relationship that will eventually bring Cybertron to its knees.

In which Orion continues his self-discovery and Soundwave’s skeletons start falling out of the cupboard. Also, Jazz.

Enceladion next chapter, I promise.

Rise | Kemmasandi

This video doesn’t exist


Have it. 

Original idea but “I was running short on free time to find a song but I still really like it” bonus ;A;






medic hand maintenance




Yes, Ratchet, your servos are precious and must be cared for. 

@adhesivesandscrap I assume the servo maintenance is a bit like a hand massage, and I could see it being part of a whole medic culture thing. Having medics make a social activity out of taking care of each others servos because those servos are sensitive and medics know all the ways to make it feel good. Just imagine Drift insisting on learn the best techniques, so he can help Ratchet with making sure his joints aren’t too tight or collecting debris in difficult places. Or better yet, Ratchet falling back on this trick to calm mechs down if they’re having some sort of panic attack. Even if mechs with less sensitive servos don’t get the full effect, it would be incredibly calming.

Yaaaaasssssssss. It’s rare for non-medics or those who aren’t at least scientists to be allowed to groom a medic’s hands. Goes for any frametype and their own specialised pieces. Flightframes and their wings/turbines, racing types and their wheels/shocks/suspension, etc.

Lol I have Drift doing that in Bet My Life and it leads to their first kiss. (It’s in Chapter 11) It continues into the sequel and holy shit they’re SO CUTE.

Suddenly a drabble


English is not my first language, blah-blah-blah.

* * *

Optimus stops Ratchet with a frown when the medic offers to cut Soundwave open; they are Autobots, and although they are desperate, Optimus doesn’t want to condone this, an action fitting a Decepticon

“Soundwave”, he speaks quiety, “I do not wish to apply such drastic measures, but you’re leaving us no choice. Are you really that loyal to your cause?“ 

There is tired annoyance in his voice; he has never understood how could anyone be loyal to such a devastating and ruinous cause, and he has never understood Soundwave, who was most unnerving in his silent stubborness. 

Soundwave lifts his head a little, so that his blank visor faces Optimus, and there is a voice – the Autobot’s own voice, but higher and younger, filled with hope and joy Optimus has long forgotten, a little cracking because the recording is old, so old…

"Unlike you”, Orion Pax says. 

And Optimus strikes.


I’m pretty new at this but I thought the king could use a board. Thoughts (if you wouldn’t mind)?

(Hello friend! I have already forgotten your username holy. Anyway, I really like what you did with this! You used stuff for his kinghood as well as how he fights for himself, the knight portions you used, as well as the fire and, I believe that is magma or super heated metal are all apart of him and who he is. I will admit that personally I find that his picture itself is a bit too large and makes the whole thing feel a little off, but that doesn’t mean everyone else will see it that way. Similarly to how I dislike boards that use exclusively quotes. It’s a preference that might not be shared with everyone else who enjoys Aesthetic/Mood Boards. But I do think you did a beautiful job here!)