
A concept: Henry Masterson is exactly the kind of person to believe in the really boring end of the speculative aliens / “humans are space orcs” content where people presume that us humans are just infinitely more mysterious and complex and funny than all other aliens, especially since just in his debut episode alone he dismissively referred to the autobots as “toys” and thought nothing of literally decapitating Bulkhead.

On the flipside, while we see that cybertronians can be somewhat confused by certain aspects of Earth culture, overwhelmingly they’re exactly as savvy, complex, and quick on the uptake as you would expect from a spacefaring civilization that vastly predates ours.

In that sense: please consider Henry making a big deal out of trying to convince Starscream that dabbing is a Traditional Human Gesture Of Respect and Starscream, who knows perfectly well what the internet is, does basic amounts of research, and is generally as a career soldier Someone Who Knows When Someone Else Is Giving Him Shit, playing along right up until he thoughtfully responds in kind with the Ancient, Traditional Decepticon Greeting of flipping the bird.