This video doesn’t exist


Have it. 

Original idea but “I was running short on free time to find a song but I still really like it” bonus ;A;


Suddenly a drabble


English is not my first language, blah-blah-blah.

* * *

Optimus stops Ratchet with a frown when the medic offers to cut Soundwave open; they are Autobots, and although they are desperate, Optimus doesn’t want to condone this, an action fitting a Decepticon

“Soundwave”, he speaks quiety, “I do not wish to apply such drastic measures, but you’re leaving us no choice. Are you really that loyal to your cause?“ 

There is tired annoyance in his voice; he has never understood how could anyone be loyal to such a devastating and ruinous cause, and he has never understood Soundwave, who was most unnerving in his silent stubborness. 

Soundwave lifts his head a little, so that his blank visor faces Optimus, and there is a voice – the Autobot’s own voice, but higher and younger, filled with hope and joy Optimus has long forgotten, a little cracking because the recording is old, so old…

"Unlike you”, Orion Pax says. 

And Optimus strikes.


Elita and Optimus composed themselves so well in the public optic. 

Oh no, they rarely touched, but every once in a while one might see them pass in the hallway or in a meeting room, or… anywhere, and they would lean in for a moment, just a breath, and whisper something so silent that their audios would shift.
What could they be saying? It had happened often enough that speculations had arisen… Something sweet, no doubt. Something to make a youngling gag. Mushy.

Elita: *walks down a hallway with Chromia* *sees Optimus talking with Magnus

Optimus: *glances at her and leans back on his ped juuust the slightest* 

Elita: *right behind her mate as she passes*

Elita: *whispers* Neeerrrd

Optimus: *whispers back* Dweeb

Elita: *gasps*


Look TFA Optimus is absolutely a middle class maybe lower-middle class kid who joined the army out of misplaced patriotism from propaganda and also bc it was one of his best choices

TFA Megatron maybe started with fuck all but he’s now the equivalent of new money. He’s Jay Gatsby. He likes the finer things but also has no fucking idea of the REALLY good stuff that like the Tower nobles deal with. He’s learned manners and speech but he’s still “horrifyingly” plebian

What I’m saying is, if they take over Cybertron together they ducking horrify the old elite bc like. They do the robo equivalent of wearing their shoes inside. Their outside shoes. They have awful kitsch knick-knacks instead of graceful minimalism (Megatron is a hoarder fight me). They garden WITHOUT gloves and plant hodgepodge awful arrangements that are a riot of colors.

Megatron absolutely knows he’s horrifying the elite and why and finds it goddamn hilarious. Optimus is just like “why r people upset that I used the same fork for the salad and the meat”


yanno at first i thought optimus was kinda overrated, boring etc, others were more interesting/smarter/better

but then i was talking with a friend and she said something interesting ‘he’s not necessarily a tactician, he just brings out the best in people’

which 10000% turned me around on him, as i’ve seen things i’ve come to realize just how tragic a character optimus is, locked in this cosmic struggle, tougher than everyone else for very little reason, he’s seen so many die, he’s really not good at planning things

but he brings out the best in people, above all odds