


Existing transformers games:

-you punch and kill some things

Games fans want:

-gay robot dating sim

-collect rodimus stars through increasingly stupid and bizarre tasks

-incompetent robot doctor sim

-rhythm game ala kinnect star wars dance game but with giant robots

-undercover cybertronian is forced to work office job via holoform while also going on missons. Bonus if the player character is markedly bad at pretending to be human. Triple bonus if other office workers are also aliens of various species but the player must spy on them while pretending not to notice they’re aliens

-literally anything with lost light shenanigans

-two player game where you each play as components of a headmaster and have to coordinate your controller movements and maintain drift compatibility while fighting

-minicon guerilla warfare

-a game where you play as soundwave and your only goal is to adopt every smaller robot you come across

-a game in which you play as whirl and hes whirl and its gr8

-a game entirely dedicated to jet judo

-transformers dress up/doll maker

-optimus prime is the player character but except instead of fighting your only goal is to avoid ratchet as he tries to bring you in for a physical. Bonus if its a two player and the other person plays ratchet

-prowl flipping tables: the game

I need ALL of these, expecially the last

All of this could fit into one game and it would be the the best thing ever


More “Moving Violations” backgrounders!

So, in 2007, Hasbro put out a redeco of Armada Red Alert in the live-action movie toyline as that universe’s Inferno. However, unbeknownst to me as I worked on this character, who is a rework of Animated Red Alert (herself based on Armada Red) with the movie Inferno colors, there was already an Animated Inferno from the Allspark Almanac, who is based in Beast Wars Inferno. Not wanting to name-double-up, we gave her a totally new one.

Confused yet? Good.


Elita and Optimus composed themselves so well in the public optic. 

Oh no, they rarely touched, but every once in a while one might see them pass in the hallway or in a meeting room, or… anywhere, and they would lean in for a moment, just a breath, and whisper something so silent that their audios would shift.
What could they be saying? It had happened often enough that speculations had arisen… Something sweet, no doubt. Something to make a youngling gag. Mushy.

Elita: *walks down a hallway with Chromia* *sees Optimus talking with Magnus

Optimus: *glances at her and leans back on his ped juuust the slightest* 

Elita: *right behind her mate as she passes*

Elita: *whispers* Neeerrrd

Optimus: *whispers back* Dweeb

Elita: *gasps*

Do you ever get weird dreams? Dreams that are bizarre to describe?


“Do we not all experience such a thing once in our lives? Though my dreams are not frequent occurrences, I can recall one I found odd.”


“I awoke in a clearing of land, not unlike the quiet fields of earth, surrounded by a chilling breeze and utter silence. In the body of an organic beast, I felt compelled to wander this new environment.”


“That was when I saw it; a figure on the horizon. Its form familiar and yet so alien.”


“We became still, watching the other in the silence, unchanging.”

“And then I woke up- with more questions than answers.





Just sitting here thinking about the implications of it being G1 canon that red optics are a sign of starvation, which is brought up once and never mentioned again

For everyone going “what”, in S3 (The Dweller in the Depths, which is about the previous slave race the Quintessons made that didn’t quite work out… There’s a lot going on here, okay), there’s a monster that sucks all the energy out of tfs, leaving them as shambling zombielike empties and instantly turning their optics red. Apparently that’s what happens when you run out of fuel.

tbh it probably wasn’t intentional worldbuilding (most of G1 is a fever dream held together with paper clips and string), but since this is the season that keeps trying to convince us the Decepticons are a huge evil force when most of what they’re doing is hanging out on a crappy asteroid without anything to eat… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Okay one way to jury rig G1’s worldbuilding back into something sensible would be to say the Decepticons artificially give themselves red optics as a political statement about the cause

Yeah, it doesn’t make too much sense that all of the Decepticons are actively starving all the time, except for Swindle, Dirge, and the Stunticons. But I’d believe it as an aesthetic thing. “We are hungry and we are here for your fuel! (and then we will take over the universe!)” is pretty much the G1 Decepticon mission statement a lot of the time.

(It’s been a bit since I’ve seen the relevant scenes, but I believe the red optics go back to the original Quintesson military hardware line, though. Which, you know, G1. It does tie into my grand unified G1 theory that the ‘Cons overall have greater fuel needs than the ‘Bots, to power their flight and weapons systems and such. The Quints might have been underfueling them as well, deliberately or not.)



If Rescue Bots ever had Decepticons

Ok: Two new really stupid Decepticons that go around causing mishaps and accidents around Griffon Rock, but their basically harmless.

A problem, but manageable: A minor Decepticon that would cause accidents and would actually fight the bots, but is still easily defeated.

Bad Times for Eveyone: Starscream, Soundwave, or some other major Decepticon.

Worst Possible Outcome: Megatron/Megatronus


Counterpoint: any Decepticon, even the most dangerous, but they’re forced to abide by the rules of a show for small children. Soundwave’s causing mayhem at the radio station. Astrotrain refuses to let humans ride the train to work, because the trains are his friends and ‘it’s undignified’. Starscream has declared himself mayor and refuses to give the sash back.


“There is no good or evil, Megatron. It is what you choose to do. You choose to be cruel and I will always choose to be compassionate! By the power the Matrix, I will stop you!”

I live for a day when someone write a really epic megop fic that includes this line.

like how do you even unpack that. 

“You can only be pacifist for so long before you have to choose to be cruel too, Orion.”

I just need these two lines. 

It’s just basically the never ending debate of whether love and compassion can cure everything. I want a transformers story about love and compassion. that’s it.