
Look TFA Optimus is absolutely a middle class maybe lower-middle class kid who joined the army out of misplaced patriotism from propaganda and also bc it was one of his best choices

TFA Megatron maybe started with fuck all but he’s now the equivalent of new money. He’s Jay Gatsby. He likes the finer things but also has no fucking idea of the REALLY good stuff that like the Tower nobles deal with. He’s learned manners and speech but he’s still “horrifyingly” plebian

What I’m saying is, if they take over Cybertron together they ducking horrify the old elite bc like. They do the robo equivalent of wearing their shoes inside. Their outside shoes. They have awful kitsch knick-knacks instead of graceful minimalism (Megatron is a hoarder fight me). They garden WITHOUT gloves and plant hodgepodge awful arrangements that are a riot of colors.

Megatron absolutely knows he’s horrifying the elite and why and finds it goddamn hilarious. Optimus is just like “why r people upset that I used the same fork for the salad and the meat”

Ok so we know that Tfp Optimus is a Meowth but…what would Orion Pax be? The same, just a kitten version of a Meowth? Or maybe a Skitty? (Omg I love the idea of a possible glamorous Delcatty Orion Pax if he evolved and never got the Matrix ★o★ )You don’t have to draw if you don’t want to ^^


Late for the Date’s Optimeowth is how I originally imagined Orion to be lol. Just OP with glasses. But since then I’ve just kinda kept drawing OP with glasses anyway so I guess I should do up a proper version of Orion haha.

I’d probably pick the Beta design of a baby MeowthKo~nya since Skitty/Delcatty doesn’t really appeal to me.
