
TFA verse but with Dullahan Megatron

Instead of Megs having introduced as a detached head, we got the horror story of maintenance crew on alien planet spotting helmless giant sneaking around instead.

Team Prime had no idea who the heck this was, but they must intervene (while frightened af) this…headless grey zombie? who somehow so fixated on the Allspark.

The story consisted of team Prime screaming around, sobbing in horror as they were forced to fight a ferocious body (yup), and finally trying to alert Ultra Magnus, as expected, they got dismissed.

Somehow they grew quite close until much much later they just learned it’s Megatron’s headless frame.

This video doesn’t exist


Have it. 

Original idea but “I was running short on free time to find a song but I still really like it” bonus ;A;


Megatron, Socialism, and Brutalism



So, Megatron. Giant robot, one-time warlord, new adopter of pacifism, explicit Stalin analogue. We all know that. But also – a reflection of Brutalist ideals! Bet that one was new to you. And not just in his design – his actual character works with this as well, and the design reinforces all that we know about the character. It’s a beautiful two-way street.

If you’re asking yourself, “where the hell did this come from? What on earth is Brutalism? Why should I even care?”, then friend, I have some cool knowledge for you.

Keep reading

This was really interesting.