recharging : what the hell is even happening???


so i have reviewed my understanding of recharging in transformers mtmte and concluded I have no clue what the heck is happening

things I’m pretty sure are true

it’s like sleeping, you have to do it, you can have dreams whilst recharging

but does it have something to do with electricity?

supporting details:

nautica electrocutes the personality ticks by punching a ‘recharge socket’

panel of someone pointing out a recharge port
panel of nautica punching a recharge port
panel of skids pointing out that the personality ticks were electrocuted

not supporting:

every other instance that I can recall?

is it how they refuel, hence they’re hooked into energon lines?

supporting details:

When Tailgate attacks Megatron in his sleep we can see the fuel lines he and Ravage are hooked up to

panel of Megatron waking violently, fuel lines visible
panel of Ravage waking, fuel line and port circled in pink

Cyclonus says he doesn’t need a drink/fuel because he’s just recharged

panel of Cyclonus saying just that

Optimus refers to recharging as ‘topping up’

Panel where Optimus urges the team to 'top up' before the battle

not supporting:

Cyclonus, Rewind all shown recharging with no feed lines

Panels of Cyclonus waking up, no fuel lines
Panels of Rewind waking up and falling out of bed, no fuel lines

what are all the glowing monitors for?

? why is this one orange

orange monitor in Megatron's room

? why is this one red

red monitor in Whirl's room

? why is this one blue

blue monitor in Getaway's room

i’m starting to think there is no explanation