

The Transformers S2:E16, “Megatron’s Master Plan, Part 2″ – aired October 15, 1985


Post-war, human companies manufacturing machinery specifically to appeal to Cybertronian tastes so they can charge a licensing fee for scanning the altmode

Cybertronian models on the runway at defense contractor’s conferences, “And here comes Sunstorm, looking stunning in the latest from Northrop-Grumman!”

Humans working tirelessly to figure out clothing and jewelry that won’t break or tangle through a transformation, because the Cybertronian civilization may be shattered, but they love this stuff and if you ask real nice they’ll haul an asteroid full of precious metals to the nearest Lagrange point for mining

Giant robot fashion revolution


Hey this is out if nowhere but

Imagine if Sari convinced Sentinel that the human word for “think” is “fart”.

Mayor: Will you and the Autobots consider setting up an official base and staying in the city?

Sentinel: *stealing the mic from Optimus* Well, ha ha, that’s a big decision to make! But ah, it’s an… interesting proposition. I’ll have to fart long and hard on it… we’ll get back to you.

Mayor: I’m sorry, what?

Sentinel: Hm?

Mayor: You… you just said…

Sentinel: I said we’ll get back you to! You’ve made your point, now my people will talk to your people but only after I’ve made my decision! Primus! I’m going to my ship to fart in peace…



There was an art to climbing a Cybertronian. It wasn’t like a tree, or a climbing wall at the gym, or even like climbing fences, walls, piles of abandoned cars- suffice to say, Spike Witwicky had great experience climbing things. Keeping his feet safely on the ground was considered to be the hard part, by those who knew him, and it was only a matter of time from his first fateful encounter with the Autobots to him learning to pull himself up onto their backs and shoulders without hesitation.

Said matter of time was really a few hours.

Now, months later, he was a veritable expert.

Fortunately, they didn’t mind, for the most part. Smaller bots climbing upon larger ones was natural, easy- a sort of symbiosis that they all adhered to- Spike had observed and asked questions and understood well, now. Smaller bots climbed on larger ones for transport, to reach new heights- and to groom them in return, and larger bots happily assisted- Optimus Prime in particular had a habit of scooping up those smaller than him, only made easier when said smaller beings were humans who fit neatly into his cupped servos.

The first step was to learn where it was safe to grab. Nobody wanted pinched fingers, and nobody wanted fingers shoved into seams that housed sensory organs, so observing your climbing target first was key.

Then came ensuring that they knew you were there- jumping onto an unaware cybertronian turned out to be a good way to startle them into jolting you off- a shout or a small, benign touch usually did the trick. Unless they were Optimus, in which case you simply hopped on, since he had no qualms about being used as a jungle gym.

Third, you paced yourself. Minibots had no problem scrambling thirty feet vertically. Prowl could literally jump most of the height, but humans? Spike generally found that going steady got him further up Optimus than trying to push it. A good resting spot along the transformation panels of his lower back was ideal, when you needed to give your hands a break.

And you wore gloves. Cybertronians weren’t…textured, quite like anything he’d touched, but metal blisters still happened, or you were rubbed raw by a patch of irritable nanites where they were healing fresh paint. Bumblebee bought him the nice climbing gloves, and he made good use of them.

There was a final rule, to this art he’d mastered. Able to scramble up any of the Autobots easily (and admittedly, he’d managed it on a few Decepticons at this point, too) and to find the right spots on shoulders or back struts to put himself. The final rule, of course…was to relax. To enjoy it. To pick at peeling paint and rub grit off their armor where you saw it- to let them enjoy it too.

After all, it was only fair when you were using them as a climbing wall.





hey guys did you know that in one of the choose your own adventure books for tfa, megatron catfishes a scientist

He did what now

Professor Heinz Von Furstwartz is a human from the Transformers Animated continuity family.


Professor Heinz Von Furstwartz is an expert in robotics from the University of Vienna. He has wild grey hair and thick glasses. His primary interest is in pleasing the delightful woman he met online, the fetchingly-named Meg A. Tron.

Quest for the AllSpark

With the help of Ms Tron, Professor Von Furstwartz developed a machine designed to confuse Autobot sensors. He took the machine to America, where he found Bulkhead in the middle of a mission to conceal the AllSpark. The machine caused Bulkhead to trash a building and, when Bumblebee arrived, Bulkhead attacked him too. Von Furstwartz claimed that his machine could determine the origin of metals, and that it proved that Bumblebee was a fake Autobot manufactured in Detroit, but Sari and the human accompanying her saw through the deception and yanked the machine from around his neck. Once Bumblebee had destroyed it, Bulkhead’s mind was cleared of its influence.

Von Furstwartz attempted fruitlessly to escape and was chased down by Bumblebee. As the police led him away, he admitted he had been aided in the whole sorry affair by Ms Tron. Quest for the AllSpark

I fucking love TFA Megatron😂