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Have it. 

Original idea but “I was running short on free time to find a song but I still really like it” bonus ;A;






Sometimes I just remember knock out canonically owns a pet crab that he seemingly treats and pets like a good dog

Breakdown had a tiny cyclops rhino that is never mentioned recieving affection and I don’t believe that for a second

Listen, I’m not making this up. In the Japanese version their weapons are all animal formers called arms micron. They had like a minute long extra show after the regular show. They’re all on YouTube and they’re…not great.

This is knock outs crab Gra.

In the kreo comic he pets him like a good dog

And this is breakdowns rhino Zamu

Giving personalities to the weapons was cute. Zamu’s last scene where he n Breakdown have to leave n Gra crying in protest was so touching. Zamu confidently reassures Gra not to worry, promising they’d be back in time for dinner. These are great, funky little 3d pets that like boasting about their owners n just want all the petting :‘‘^)