

I’m a big fan of the G1 Cartoon (specifically, Five Faces of Darkness) origins of the Autobots and the Decepticons, that is:

Both of them were created by the Quintessons. The Autobots were a the civilian product line, basically robots servants. The Decepticons were war robots.

The reason I like this so much – and of course this was never explored explicitly in G1 – is that it explains and problematizes the tendency for Autobots to value other species’ lives and interests over their own.

They were built to serve other species, so of course they protect human lives above their own. Whether or not this is a more ‘moral’ choice objectively, it’s a bias wired deep inside of them. So you get things like Skyfire, seeing humans for the first time and coming to a screeching halt – he can’t hurt them even if Starscream tells him they’re the enemy.

Meanwhile, Decepticons were built to fight other species (and probably different factions of Quintessons as well) so their relative xenophobia – and tendency to fight for what they want rather than negotiate or make friends – makes perfect sense.



So I watched Autoboot Camp and as much as I’m kinda losing my shit at the revelation Bulkhead is a farm boy this just… makes me think, in context here.

Space in Transformers Animated is just a wee bit horrifying, given, y’know, the vampiric space barnacles that must be killed with fire are just a common nuisance. And there is an implication certain features are deliberately selected (Bee’s comment to Wasp about ‘molds’)

I always kinda figured if Bulkhead was tailored for a purpose physically he was something heavy-industrial, but, the fact that he towers over basically all other ‘conventional’ city autobots we see kinda raises the implication that there are things a lot worse than barnacles out there and Bee was, as of the bridge posting, totally unused to dealing with them. 

The implication that most ‘countryside’ bots are just, people who can casually bench most of their closer-to-cybertron contemporaries because they need to be because it’s probably southern gothic populated with various lovecraftian space horrors out there.

I’m just saying in a human AU Bulkhead would be the kinda guy who takes on a camel spider armed with a single flip flop, without blinking, while Bee, who has never seen a bug larger than a fruit fly in person, climbs the table screaming in horror.

Autobot behavior?






Adhesive I just had the cutest idea
Okay so this started cause I was seeing posts on alot of decepticon behavior and their comparisons to packs and lion prides and im just

Why isn’t there alot of posts on Autobot behaviors?
So I was like if Deceptiocns are more like predators that act like cats/big cats/Dogs/wolves  wouldn’t authors technically act more like large preys/predators? Instead of packs they have herds or pods?
 Like Whales, and elephants?
I just had this thought of Autobots in the washracks and all the youngest are acting like little kids and spitting cleanser or throwing suds in water. Bath time is social time for all members who had finished their shift. The autobots have a huge communal bath and showers and often help each other clean and tidy up.

Autobots get this reputation of being prude, strict, and distant emotionally from each other but that’s cause decepticons and quite a bit of neutrals actually don’t realize they tend organize socializing so they can they maximum amount of time to be with each other. They also know when to break off into smaller groups for higher survival.

They tend to make cohort groups or bond groups(think like the Rod Squad in this case) that often will go thick or thin with eachother and have developed to knowing other wuoelrks inside jokes ect. The autobots are mostly made up of these bond group and when they come together is almost like a family clan. Bonds group tend to like to integrate new comers and when new comers join this helps build bridges and bonds with other bond groups. (Nautica for example and Velocity ended joining Rodimus bond group and end up binding two smaller bond groups the scientists and medics to Rodimus command group).

But their is also Autobots who don’t have a particular bond group so they hover around others(Trailbreaker and Pipes). Their more like Bull males and tend to be more solitary or join other bull males(Getaway, Atomizer, Blaster). Or the wreckers who members tend to change often.

All Autobot leaders are like closer to a matriarchy Elephants. When the leader is dead or too tired to continue the eldest daughter will lead(Bumblebee leading Cybertron after Optimus left). Autobots leader have this innate need to care and look after others and will often make big groups that can have smaller bonds groups made.(Rodimus and the lost light plus its many cliques)

It’s very typical for much older and wiser mechs to guide younger inexperienced ones. As older ones tend to be effective descions makers.(Ratchet, Magnus, Rung) and also keep younger ones in lime because their cut through the bullshit attitudes tend to tamper their more aggressiveand hothead behaviors. (Tho this doesn’t always work)

Autobots have a very hard time welcoming Decepticons because of this Big Prey vs Predator relationship. Deceptions won’t typically go after the older mature  Autobots  (the big developed prey) and instead the go for younger weaker bots (the less developed inexperienced prey) cause like big cats it’s much easier.

Newsparks and new Autobots tend to be the center of attention for a while often sticking close to the Autobots who brought them in. This usually lasts until everyone finds a new rhythm with the new addition.

Touch is a big thing, but it more subtle then cuddle piles and hugs. They tend to be more private about affection like hugs and cuddling but more open about hand holding, shoulder bumping and shoulder touching.

And that’s all i got right now.

Oh my god my brain is too fried to add anything right now but ELEPHANT HERD AUTUOBS UNITS YAAAASSSSSSS


Omg this is my my most popular

(anybody can add in i love hearing about Autobot headcannons)

Autobots have a tendency to scrap their paint on to those of their bond groups when they think that a particular person is feeling neglected. It’s to show that this person is claimed and you should not try to claim them into your group unless there dating you. It’s not uncommon to see a bit walking around with a menagerie of paint scrapes

Trust is a huge thing with Autobots it’s also not easily earned either. Unlike decepticons who are more free with affections with strangers Autobots need time to make a group they can rely on to cuddle and be affectionate with. They won’t just randomly go up to someone they don’t know and try to cuddle it too weord and awkward and just plain uncomfortable as their is not establishment of trust. Another way to tell if one is a decepticon as they are more physically affectionate than the average Autobot.

Okay more Autobot bath time ideas, like I said before Autobots love to bathe and especially with others. Even the more stern members are relaxed and happy at bath time. It’s their main way to bond with other groups, take care of them selves, and be a little silly. It’s like a trust thing it’s very taboo to cause trouble in the baths. It’s actually how Autobots can detect spies because while decepticons are touchy feely this is a whole another level as you are trusting a whole group of people when your the most vulnerable. Negativity of any kind of not allowed at bath time woe to the fool who tries to start something.

Autobots acts like absolute dorks at bath times. Spitting cleanser, water fights, thrown sponges and towels, ect. A favorite moment is when flicked his wings back and nailed the water in ratchets face who was about to dump a bucket of water on him so Ratchet was drenched twice.

Optimus also like to help groom Rodimus/Hot Rod and Bumblebee. It’s a nice way for them to cool off if anyone them are angry with one another and show they still trust another.
Autobots and cybertronians in general need help cleaning.

Large bots especially, bots like Skyfire who have large unreachle wings will often have to lie down have someone clean them for them. Large mechs tend to be the most pampered on a group as usually their pulling the most physical weight. But there is also schedules made of when which group member gets to be the most pampered and dotted on to keep balance.

Autobots like to wax and dry eachother to physical tidiness shows that you are cared for and adored. Groups will ensure that as it reflects on the group as whole and functioning unit. This tends to be a problem for starting groups tho as they are trying to figure out how to function with eachother and thus are more likely to neglect a member (Rod Squad and Swerve)

Autobots are also notorious for being absolutely aggressive and down right homicidal when one of their own is attacked. Instead of of large hoards tho they tend to go in small ballistic groups of their strongest deadliest warriors for retribution. And they do not okay fair at all.

Autobots on the battle field associated sound=life. If you are making noises of any kind they not only know where you are and are still alive but also know where you enemy is. Autobot communication is crazy scary as one comm can light up a battle field and can spot the enemy that did the damage especially in ambushes. If your still making noise your savable.

There’s mOAR?! OuO


So phone music shuffle lead me to the idea that in TFA, all the ““historic”“ videos about the beginnings of the Decepticon uprising are basically Megatron singing “Come Little Children” (Megazark who? lol) and seducing those poor innocent youngsters, the time’s come to play in his garden of shadows

When in truth it was kinda more like “Light Up the Night” with righteous fury young (and kinda stupid) Megatron acting as the voice for old man Megazark as they call to the disenfranchised to stand up b/c everything isnt lost yet, we just need one spark to light the revolution-! Sadly the man in the tower who controls it all without lifting a single fist still wins

Names and the Importance of Identity in Transformers Animated


I’m not going to make this long because I would need to delve deeper into the show, but this has been something I’ve wanted to discuss for a while. Names in Transformers Animated is a minor, but curiously reoccurring element throughout the show. Here are a few of the things off the top of my head that TFA did concerning names…

*In Autobot culture, names seem to be given based on where you are and by who. In “Autoboot Camp”, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and a slew of rookies got their names from drill sergeant Sentinel Minor based on their characteristics (the good and the bad if Bee’s name is anything to go by.) Not only does this add to Cybertron culture, but it brilliantly explains why their names conveniently connect to their specific skills and personality. Optimus mentions in the second Allspark Almanac that he was named by his Minor Kup (for his cheerful personality) and subsequently named Elita and Sentinel because she was a bit of a snob and he was ever vigilant. It also indicates the Autobots (and possibly Cybertronians in general) do not necessary get their names the minute they’re born; it’s something they earn based on their traits and likely where they were at the time (the ones I listed for example strictly comes from military camps.)

There are other episodes where Bots gain names in different ways: Scrapper and Mixmaster improvised and named themselves because no one else did. Wreck-Gar got his through an insult due to his reckless nature, only to have Angry Archer shorten it down for him. Grimlock got his name while Megatron laments to himself, more or less working it out for his own. And so on and on.

*Y’all know Sumdac’s last name is Cadmus backwards, ‘nuff said.

*In layman’s term, “Omega” means the end. Project Omega can be taken in as a literal last step in the Great War. It was considered a final desperate measure for the Autobots against the Decepticon war (and ultimately ended it), hence the name Project Omega., hence the name Project Omega. One can only wonder what would have happened if this plan failed. This may be why Omega Supreme got his name because despite being the first to be built; he’s the last resort of an ever increasingly desperate war. Omega Supreme was also utilized as kind of a “last step” measure in a number of other places, too. He was activated by Ratchet (somewhat) to stop Blitzwing and Lugnut in “Lost and Found” because there was literally no other way to get rid of those two. He was the bot who sacrificed himself so the other Autobots wouldn’t get sucked in the Space Bridge into the middle of nowhere in the Season 2 finale. And of course, he was the catalyst for Megatron’s final plan in the Season 3 finale.

*Another interesting thing from the Allspark Almanac II; during Project Omega, there are identical worker bots that helped to built the Omega Sentinels. Blitzwing stated they have no individuality or names. He states this in disgust, saying it’s part of the Autobot’s “blind conformity”. Another keen look at the politics and culture between Autobots and Decepticons. Hmm…

*If you’re used to other TF franchises, there might be some of you questioning why Optimus’ crew often calls him “Prime” instead of just “Optimus Prime” or just “Optimus” like most of the franchise does. I mean, the TFA crew does occasionally spout an “Optimus” or the more endearing “Boss Bot”, but more often than not, they’ll address him as “Prime.” They do this a lot. It may sound like a weird quirk, but then you realize in Animated, “Prime” is a military rank. Optimus’ crew is literally calling him their Captain (or whatever equivalent rank “Prime” is); they are acknowledging him as their official leader.

*Megatron and Optimus are usually worthy rivals to each other in other incarnations; connected through a shared history. This is not the case in Transformers Animated where the two are total strangers at the start of the show. Optimus only knows Megatron through history vids and Bee even goes as far as spouting urban myths about the big guy to indicate unfamiliarity with the actual Con. In fact, Megatron views Optimus as just a tiny Autobot speck and disregards him as a pest more than anything. Megatron doesn’t know who Optimus is nor his name – he’s just an Autobot. It isn’t until the final episode when Megatron finally spouts Optimus’ name for the first time, indicating that yes, this “pest” has finally pissed him off enough that he simply cannot be ignored anymore. Now Optimus carries some sort of significance for Megatron. It’s a really subtle way of showing how much Optimus has grown; he started out as an unknown washout and eventually became a hero of both worlds.

There probably is a lot more, but these are all I can think about for now, but I hope you see where I’m going with this. They’re often minor and don’t draw much attention to the overall plot, but it’s a tremendously good use of world-building and adds to the overall TFAverse. The show has always been good adding these little touches. Welp, I hope you enjoyed the analysis I did over a show that ended like four years ago. This ended up a lot longer than I expected and I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface. O_O